Congratulations Morty,
What a Christmas Present. When do you start? Will you have you new vehicle by then (if you don't already have it)?
a job offer!!!!!.
i am tickled pink about it.
i have been out of work for a while now(3 years almost) due to my back injury and a company that i voleenter for, offered me a postion at collage wages!!
Congratulations Morty,
What a Christmas Present. When do you start? Will you have you new vehicle by then (if you don't already have it)?
i got a dvd the other day a trio of terro vintage movie classics: nosferatu, night of the living dead and house of haunted hill with my man vincent price....
I saw House on Haunted Hill with Vincent Price when I was a young kid. It scared the s**t out of me. I had nightmares about it. As an adult I kept watching for it to come on again so I could get rid of the boogieman under my bed. It is fun to watch all those old classic horror films now. Many are so hokey.
Another one that scared me was the one that had the alien hand with the needle things dripping liquid that creeps on to the car of a couple kids necking. Almost gets them but they drive away before it does. Fourty years later and that hand still bugs me.
flat stanley is spending christmas with me here in lincolnshire, after which he will do a whirlwind tour of the area collecting local information and pictures to be sent off.
he arrived without luggage, preliminary checking seems to indicate that it was sent to cleveland
stanley will resume his travels in the new year as soon as we receive details of his next stop.
I forgot all about Flat Stanley! Glad he is doing ok and having a good time.
Sorry 'bout the luggage though.
Have a Happy Holiday and a safe trip Stanley.
first off i'd like to say what a pleasure it is to read the threads here and to say as well that it's quite refreshing to see the milk of human kindnes shared so freely here.. i just moved back east and have been staying with my 82 year old mom who's been a jw for 35 years (she's happy as a clam).
knowing she'd appreicate the company going to the sunday meetings plus the 2 hour "school" i thought i could also form my own opinion on their "truth" i did't research the "apostate web sites" till i had formed my own opinion...well 6 months (read) 125 hours at the kingdom hall later and my heart tells me that this "truth" is not for me.. the problem:.
i'd like to quit the "bible" study that sucks up 1 1\2 hours each week...but i'm wondering if "the gang" is going to put any pressure on my dear old mom (again she's 82 years old) to get me to resume my bible study ?
Welcome to the board Bluez, we're glad to have you here and hope you hang around.
I'm thinking that you may have to back out of your involvement slowly or you may get shunned as bad association. I know you weren't baptized or anything but to them after 6 mos. you know the "Truth" now and you have turned your back on it. That puts you in a bad position at Armageddon don'tcha knoooow (in their minds). It may not be a written rule but most of their rules are'nt written down anywhere anyway. I hope they will leave you both alone and you can go on taking care of and loving your mom as usual.
I've been out along time so someone else may have better insight on the situation then me.
really who is buying those old (when christmas was still celibrated by wts) books?
i mean really $10.00 for a moldy old book?
good grief whoever it is i hope they don't have allergies.
The WBTS is! Better they have them to cover their tracks, then some apostate to be able to use against them.
Really, I haven't got a clue but it makes sense to me.
i was raised a jw and as i've probably said before, i left when i was around 18... i'll be 27 in a few days, and as i get older realise how i do not really know how to celebrate anything.
being raised a jw we never had xmas or birthdays (or any celebration), and since none of the friends i had when i left the jw's were christian either, i have to this day never celebrated it... i am not christian and will openly admit that i couldn't care less about the religious side of christmas, but what i see around me, everywhere in the world are people who aren't really christian either, celebrating christmas, either for kids or friends or whatever, but i've never done that or had anyone around me to do that with... people look forward to this time of year so much, they buzz and rush around like it's a real event, and to this day i've never been able to feel that way.
most of my christmas/birthdays since leaving jw's have been spent by myself, completely devoid of celebration, i want to get into that feel good spirit, but i don't know how, and if i try to fake it, i know it is fake.
I found this on another site, thought it may fit in this post. Hope it works.
ok...this chef is running out of ideas....anyone here have some "really, really, good, quick dinner recipes"???.
I'm not a chef....I am what you call a lazy cook, so I go for simple but tasty.
A pound of browned hamburger mixed in 3 regular cans or 1 large can of pork & beans. Serve with Ziffy mix corn bread. Variation........Use a pack of hot dogs sliced in 1/4 inch pieces instead of hamburger.
i am trying to find a nice cigarette lighter for my husband for xmas.
i thought it would make a great stocking stuffer surprise.
currently he is using matches, a cheapo convenience store lighter, or the cig lighter in our car.
I got my husband a Zippo (he loves them) at the liquor store. They had a nice display case full of them. Maybe one near you sells them. They may have a better selection then Walmart.
one of the local elders - whom i loved dearly when we were in - just died.
funny how when you get out of this organization your attitude in life completely reverses, huh?
a year and half ago, just before starting the 'fade', i actually took my vacation days in order to attend the sunday meetings (i work a weekend shift now).
Please accept my condolences.
It is never easy to lose an old friend. Have your own little memorial for the friendship lost and know he loved you at one time and still would have if he was in his right mind.
i have to ask- what's a gallon of gas where you live?
i just talked to my folks in socal and they said it was around $2.25 per gallon for regular unleaded.. i just noticed today gas hit $1.59 p/g (northern colorado) at sam's club!!
what's up it was $1.99 just a few weeks ago?
Here in Northern Ky, it is 1.79 a gallon. Jumping from 1.62 a gallon 12 hours earlier. Figure that one out and I needed to fill up